Sawtooth Association

The Alpine Examiner

July 3, 2024

Naturalist Blog

Getting to the heart of what matters in the Sawtooth National Recreation Area

The Annual Sawtooth Forum and Lecture Series begins

The SIHA Summer Forum and Lecture Series returns on July 12th at 5PM. Join us every other Friday from July 12th through August 23rd at the Stanley Museum, right off of Highway 75 near the confluence of Valley Creek and the Salmon River.

5pm Friday, July 12

Forum: Women in Wildfire

Presented by Jolie Pollet, Melissa Wegner, and Samantha Cluff 

(top right, below, bottom right) 

Hear from three women who have worked in wildland firefighting across the West. The program will include perspectives from folks early in their career and seasoned professionals. Each will share some of their experience with time for audience questions.

You can find their biographies on our series website:

5pm Friday, July 26

Savoring the Sawtooths: Foraging as Stewardship in the Mountain West

Presented by Krista Willmorth

Forage: verb, “to go from place to place searching for things that you can eat or use.” From morels and huckleberries to porcini and medicinal plants, the mountains of Idaho offer myriad  opportunities for a forager to do just that. But is foraging sustainable? What if everyone suddenly decided to collect a portion of their diet from the wild? While introducing an array of edible and useful mushrooms and plants found in the Mountain West, Krista will discuss why she thinks teaching even more people to forage is one of the best ways to protect and preserve Idaho’s superb wilderness areas.

5pm Friday, August 9

Bald Eagles: Celebrating a Successful Recovery!

Presented by Greg Kaltenecker

Greg will talk about bald eagle biology and life histories, the status of their populations, threats, and some personal stories working with the species in the past.

5pm Friday, August 23

Salmon Stories

Presenter to be announced!

SIHA is working with the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes to find an elder to speak about their experiences fishing in the Sawtooth and Middle Fork country over the last several decades.

5pm Friday, September 13

Wolverines in Winter

Presented by Kimberly Heinemeyer

Kim will provide an overview of the little known and little understood wolverine, a species that occupies the mountains around us but which many of us have never seen or even realized were our neighbors. She will share results of research she and collaborators completed in central Idaho on wolverine responses to backcountry winter recreation and preview efforts to continue to monitor this elusive species.

We hope to see you at the Stanley Museum every other Friday at 5PM!