SIHA needs your help!
SIHA is proud of its work preserving and protecting historic structures throughout the Sawtooth Valley and Stanley Basin. We are actively raising funds to continue upkeep and stabilization of this historic fabric.
What can you do?
Contribute to “Your Pathway to Sawtooth Valley History!“
Have your name, the name of a loved one, a special date, or inspiring words inscribed on a commemorative brick to be installed in walkways at the Stanley Museum.
Inscriptions are laser-engraved on grey bricks in black UPPERCASE font and may include any character on a standard US computer keyboard, or for an additional fee, approved clip-art.

Making a brick order:
To make an online order you can visit this website:
Or, you can download this order form and send it to SIHA with a check. Mail-in Order Form
If you would like to share this information with someone you know. Here is a printable brochure with the details! Brick Brochure.

Stage I - Complete! Thank you for your support!
SIHA was able to complete Phase I during the fall/winter of 2019. Many
thanks to our donors.
Stage I: The oldest building at the Stanley Museum complex, the garage/office, built in the late 1920’s, needs restoration. It requires a new foundation, subfloor bracing, roof repairs, exterior log maintenance, and improved chinking. In addition, a 1980’s non-historic addition must be removed prior to repairs. This structure was originally a small, one-car garage and telephone switchboard; later it was turned into the Ranger’s office. When fully restored, the building will serve as the SIHA office and book room.
Estimated cost of historic building restoration: $30,200
Stage II - on hold
Stage II: Construct a replica of the historic “Clerk’s Cabin” that was on the site from the 1940’s-1960’s as housing for the Stanley Ranger District Clerk, when the present museum was the Valley Creek Ranger Station. The new building’s exterior will be designed to look like the original Clerk’s Cabin and be placed on the same historic location behind the Ice House/Toolshed.
Estimated cost of building historic: $103,000 (calculated in 2019)
At the beginning of 2020, SIHA had raised half of the funds needed for Phase II already! While SIHA has successfully made it through the COVID-19 pandemic, this project has been placed on hold to reassess organizational needs and determine a more accurate budget based on increase in building costs. SIHA hopes to present a new plan for reaching our Phase II goal by the end of 2024.