Our Mission
To protect and advance the natural and cultural history of Idaho’s Sawtooth – Salmon River Country through preservation and education.
The Sawtooth Interpretive & Historical Association (SIHA) is a member-based organization that was established as a cooperating association in 1972 when the Sawtooth National Recreation Area was established by Congress. It operates in cooperation with the Sawtooth and Salmon-Challis National Forests. It is certified by the State of Idaho as a non-profit corporation with section 501(c) 3, IRS-approved status.
SIHA is governed by a small, dedicated Board of Directors, all of whom are volunteers. Funds are generated by book sales, membership fees, donations, and grants. SIHA works in partnership with the Sawtooth, Salmon-Challis, and Caribou-Targhee National Forests and Sawtooth National Recreation Area. Other partners SIHA is actively working with or has worked with in the past include the City of Stanley, Idaho Heritage Trust, Idaho Humanities Council, Sawtooth Society, Sawtooth Mountain Mamas, Salmon River Electric Cooperative, Redfish Lake Lodge, Idaho Rocky Mountain Ranch, Smiley Creek Lodge, Idaho Rivers United, National Environmental Education Foundation, National Smokejumpers’ Association, Stanley Community Library, Stanley-Sawtooth Chamber of Commerce.
SIHA does what it says it will do. It keeps its promises and demonstrates a high level of integrity, especially regarding use of funds from members, friends, and grantors.
SIHA maintains the credentials of the past through preservation of relevant artifacts and oral histories.
SIHA provides natural resource and cultural history education through interpretation.
SIHA promotes enthusiasm for and appreciation of history and the environment by engaging people firsthand in interactions with both.
SIHA promotes the idea that the Sawtooth National Recreation Area is not just “anywhere USA”. It links its activities to values in PL92-400, including natural resource and cultural history interpretation.
SIHA impacts visitor behavior by encouraging respect and stewardship for the land and nature.
SIHA works with the Forest Service, its primary partner, to provide information and enhance interpretation. SIHA and the Forest Service do not duplicate roles, but each does what the other cannot do as well.
Official Partners

The Sawtooth Association was formed to be the official cooperative partner to the Sawtooth National Recreation Area. We hold a formal Cooperative Agreement with the Sawtooth, Salmon-Challis, and Caribou-Targhee National Forests to do our work.
Additionally, SIHA holds two 20-year special use permits. One to manage and operate the Stanley Museum, which has been in place since the 1980s. The other to manage and operate the Redfish Visitor Center & Gallery which has been in place since 2011.
Organizational partnerships and grantors:

Stanley WinterFest
Community Grant
Sawtooth Festival
Community Grant