Sawtooth Association

The Alpine Examiner

July 21, 2024

Naturalist Blog

Getting to the heart of what matters in the Sawtooth National Recreation Area

Mountain Meadows

Wildflowers in yellow, purple, and orange.

She’s a mountain wildflower 

Basking in the sun 

Swaying in the breeze

Full of color 

Not going unnoticed 

The chance of discovery 

An encounter so beautiful?


But bound to happen 

Blue flower

She’s a mountain wildflower

Growing tough but tall on the mountainside

Stream fed 

From a pristine source no one can pollute

She’s fueled by the Earth

Right from the ground

Sustenance from ancient generations reanimated 

To create new life


A mountain wildflower

Nothing outshines her when she’s in bloom

Unable to look away

Her sweet smells draw in many

But few are compatible


There’s style brought into this dry environment 

Bundles of blue and white pop 

Pinkish-orange and yellow shaped bells bow gracefully downwards


Purple trumpets flaring

Blaring “Look at me“

With sage green her complementary color 

Bringing life out of the land

Light blue fllower

She’s a mountain wildflower 

Her beauty calls

Admiration and appreciation are the currency of exchange

But tread lightly 

For she’s delicate

And impossible to replace

I’ve passed many a flower 

And paid the price witnessing their beauty

But in these high mountain meadows

I still search

Cush currently works as a SIHA naturalist for the 2024 summer season. You may find him on quiet trails searching for wildlife and views to photograph. Cush is an amateur photographer and all photos in this blog were taken by him.