Sawtooth Association

The Alpine Examiner

June 3, 2021

Naturalist Blog

Getting to the heart of what matters in the Sawtooth National Recreation Area

Museum Staff Welcome!

Have you stopped by the Stanley Museum recently? Chances are you will have met Megan, who would have excitedly showed you around SIHA’s museum. This season our museum will be staffed by two returners, Megan and Aspen. Both Megan and Aspen spent their first summer in Stanley in 2019 and became close friends… and the rest is history!


Megan is back for her third season with SIHA as the museum docent at the Stanley Museum. Megan is originally from Wisconsin but has spent the past winter in Boise studying for her Master’s in applied historical research at Boise State University. She is excited to host the second annual History Days at the Museum again this year and share the new addition of the toolshed when it opens in July.

Aspen spent her 2019 summer as a naturalist with SIHA and is returning this year as the Historic Specialist. She left SIHA in 2019 to join the Peace Corps and was teaching in a rural village in Peru before she was evacuated due to COVID. Aspen is excited to teach others about the local history as she is hoping to continue her studies in museum education. Aspen will be sharing her knowledge of the local area at her evening program on the History of the Sawtooth Waterways June 19th at the Redfish Amphitheater.

We cannot forget our fearless leader Lin Gray, the Executive Director of SIHA. Lin spent several summers in the Sawtooths with SIHA as the Redfish Coordinator, now similar to our Lead Naturalist position. She returned to SIHA just before the pandemic started and has spent the last year and a half guiding the organization successfully through these tough times. In the busy summers Lin splits her time between the office, the Stanley Museum, and the Redfish Visitor Center and Gallery. Lin is very excited to use her new (used) truck to access new places in the area.

We are excited to have another season with Megan, Aspen, and Lin! Stop by the Stanley Museum to learn more about the Sawtooth-Salmon River country’s history.