Welcome to our 2024 SIHA Crew!

THE ALPINE EXAMINER June 8, 2024 NATURALIST BLOG Alicia Lindbom, 2024 Summer Programs Coordinator Getting to the heart of what matters in the Sawtooth National Recreation Area Welcome to our 2024 SIHA crew! Here we go! The Redfish Visitor Center isn’t open quite yet, but summer season 2024 has begun for us here at SIHA. […]

Winter Plant Adaptations

The Alpine Examiner January 12, 2024 Naturalist Blog Getting to the heart of what matters in the Sawtooth National Recreation Area Winter Plant Adaptations Aspen Arnold Fall colors (photo: Aspen Arnold) The first sign of fall is often associated with dying gardens and colorful forests, but not all trees change colors and wildflowers die. What […]

What Are the Sawtooth Animals Doing Now? Part III

The Alpine Examiner December 25, 2023 Naturalist Blog Getting to the heart of what matters in the Sawtooth National Recreation Area A Winter Series: Endurance (III) Hannah Fake Over the last two posts we have discuss how many species have left the Sawtooths for warmer weather and more plentiful food, while other animals are curled […]

What Are the Sawtooth Animals Doing Now? Part II

The Alpine Examiner December 18, 2023 Naturalist Blog Getting to the heart of what matters in the Sawtooth National Recreation Area A Winter Series: Hibernators (II) Hannah Fake Many of the familiar animals that inhabit the Sawtooth Mountains and valleys are still around, but you are unlikely see any of them during the winter. Long […]

What Are the Sawtooth Animals Doing Now?

The Alpine Examiner December 11, 2023 Naturalist Blog Getting to the heart of what matters in the Sawtooth National Recreation Area A Winter Wildlife Series: Migrators (I) Hannah Fake It’s winter; it’s cold; the days are short and everything is blanketed in white. Do you ever wonder what the creatures you’ve seen on your summer […]

Furry Banknotes: A History of Fur Trapping and its Environmental Impact

The Alpine Examiner December 1, 2023 Naturalist Blog Getting to the heart of what matters in the Sawtooth National Recreation Area Furry Banknotes: History of Fur Trapping and its Environmental Impact Within the academic discipline of history there are different niche genres such as military history or political history. One of the lesser-known genres is […]

Fear to Friend: Understanding Bears in the Sawtooths

The Alpine Examiner November 20, 2023 Naturalist Blog Getting to the heart of what matters in the Sawtooth National Recreation Area Fear to Friend: Understanding Bears in the Sawtooths The Sawtooth Wilderness is a huge place filled with unknowns. For me, the unknown I discovered was fear. After 300 miles of hiking throughout the Sawtooth […]

2023 Sockeye and Chinook Returns

The Alpine Examiner November 2, 2023 Naturalist Blog Getting to the heart of what matters in Sawtooth-Salmon River Country 2023 Sockeye and Chinook Returns Clare Vergobbi Snow, ice and negative temperatures: winter has come to the Sawtooths, and the 2023 salmon runs are a wrap. We’ve received final numbers for sockeye and chinook returns to […]

Steppe into Sagebrush

The Alpine Examiner August 12, 2023 Naturalist Blog Getting to the heart of what matters in the Sawtooth National Recreation Area Steppe Into Sagebrush Heath Bagley  Sagebrush is everywhere here in the Sawtooths! If you’re like me, you can’t help but stop and sniff it every once in a while. It might look like a […]

Gotta Catch ’em All! My Search for the American Pika

The Alpine Examiner July 29, 2023 Naturalist Blog Getting to the heart of what matters in the Sawtooth National Recreation Area Gotta Catch ‘Em All! My Search for the American Pika Photo Credit: Cal DeCoursey, 2016 SIHA Photo Contest Submission  Disclaimer: Please respect wildlife and refrain from using animal calls to draw animals to you […]