The Alpine Examiner

SIHA turns 50!

SIHA turns 50! The Sawtooth Interpretive Association was incorporated December 20, 1972 to support the newly-established Sawtooth National Recreation Area (SNRA), created by Public Law 92-400. The Association formed, “to gather information, objects, and materials relative to [the Sawtooth National Recreation Area’s] history and development; to carry out educational programs concerning the region; to assist […]

Win a Middle Fork Salmon River Raft Trip!

WIN A MIDDLE FORK SALMON RIVER RAFT TRIP! Winners Drawn!! Thanks to all who participated! We deeply appreciate your support of SIHA in our 50th year! We were able to raise over $18,000 because of you! Special thanks to our trip donors: Hughes River Expeditions Thanks also to Studio Les Bois – Josh Kristensen for […]

2022 Sawtooth Salmon Festival

2022 Sawtooth Salmon Festival | August 27 | 11am-5pm at the Stanley Museum Join the Sawtooth Association and its friends and partners in celebrating Idaho’s wild salmon and steelhead on August 27th from 11am to 5pm. We aim to teach the public about Idaho’s iconic endangered and threatened salmon populations, connect people who care about these […]

Celebrate the Sawooth NRA’s 50th Anniversary with us!

The Sawtooth National Recreation Area is turning 50! On August 22, 2022 the Sawtooth National Recreation Area (NRA) will turn 50! There are several programs and events you can attend in celebration of this milestone. Find more details and other commemorative events at August 196pm at the Stanley Museum a forum looking back at […]

The Sawtooth NRA Through the Lens of Outdoor Idaho

The Sawtooth NRA through the Lens of Outdoor Idaho Join the Sawtooth Association and Idaho Public Television’s award winning program, Outdoor Idaho, for an evening of fun and reflection. August 22 marks the day the Sawtooth National Recreation Area (NRA) was established 50 years ago. We have invited Outdoor Idaho’s crew to the Redfish Visitor […]

The Life and Legacy of Louis Stur

The Alpine Examiner July 31, 2022 Naturalist Blog Getting to the heart of what matters in the Sawtooth National Recreation Area The Life and Legacy of Louis Stur A pioneer of climbing in the Sawtooths and a figure known just as well for his charisma and kindness as for his mountaineering accomplishment, Louis Stur exemplifies […]

Smokey’s Birthday!

Happy Birthday Smokey Bear! On Saturday, August 6th the Sawtooth Association is celebrating Smokey Bear’s 78th birthday at the Redfish Visitor Center & Gallery. Join us from 12pm-3pm for an assortment of games and activities including a scavenger hunt, water gun target practice, a photo shoot with Smokey himself, and birthday cake! You won’t want […]

2022 History Day!

Join us Saturday, June 9th, for a day celebrating Sawtooth history from Noon to 4pm. Activities include: crosscut saw and gold panning demonstrations; pioneer games; candle making and other crafting activities; a wall tent display and more! We’ll be serving ice cream, lemonade, and soft drinks, which you can enjoy by donation. We’ll also have […]

15th Annual Forum and Lecture Series

The Alpine Examiner June 19th, 2022 Naturalist Blog Getting to the heart of what matters in the Sawtooth National Recreation Area The 15th Annual SIHA Forum and Lecture Series! Time for your favorite Stanley weekly event – the SIHA Forum and Lecture Series! This is the 15th year of our hosting the summer speaker series, […]