The Alpine Examiner June 12th, 2022 Naturalist Blog Getting to the heart of what matters in the Sawtooth National Recreation Area The Sawtooth Squad: Introducing Our 2022 SIHA Naturalists! The last ice has melted off Redfish Lake. Spring flowers are leafing out, and some are even blooming. The rivers and lakes are on the rise […]
The Alpine Examiner
The 2022 Museum Crew
The Alpine Examiner June 5th, 2022 Naturalist Blog Getting to the heart of what matters in the Sawtooth National Recreation Area The Stanley Museum’s 2022 Dynamic Duo With the season changing, SIHA is gearing up to open, and one of our first things to awake from hibernation is the Stanley Museum! Located downriver from Stanley […]
Stanley Community Clean-up
SIHA News and Events June 8 | 9am-12pmMeet at the Stanley Community Buildingto pick up supplies and directions! Since 2019, the Sawtooth Interpretive & Historical Association’s (SIHA) has held a spring community clean-up in Stanley. In partnership with the Sawtooth Society and local community members, SIHA is again organizing an event to collect roadside trash […]
Idaho Gives: May 2nd-5th!
SIHA News and Events Idaho Gives is May 2nd-5th! Make a difference by donating to the Sawtooth Associationduring Idaho Gives! This state-wide fundraiser celebrates the work of Idaho nonprofits. Your donation to SIHA will support:EDUCATION – RECREATING RESPONSIBLYHISTORIC PRESERVATION – INTERPRETATIONin the Sawtooth and Salmon River country! SIHA operates the Stanley Museum and Redfish Visitor […]
A Pika Poem
The Alpine Examiner February 1, 2022 Naturalist Blog Getting to the heart of what matters in the Sawtooth National Recreation Area A Pika Poem An original work by 2020-21 Lead Naturalist, Hannah Fake
Thank you!
We keep saying THANK YOU because we mean it! We would like to thank our 2021 summer crew for their hard work and dedication. Thanks to Hannah Fake, Megan Nelson, Aspen Arnold, Jacob Hornfeldt, Mari Carroll, CeAnna Schwarts, Hailey Smalley, and Konner Kirkwood! They answered thousands of visitor questions, planned events, wrote blogs and social […]
SIHA IS ALWAYS LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS! Sign up to volunteer here! We need help with many projects throughout the year. Preserving and helping visitors at the Stanley Museum Maintaining and repairing facilities Cataloging artifacts Organizing photographs, and maintaining the yard Working the museum desk, to sell maps and books and answer visitors questions Operating the […]
Sawtooth Salmon Festival
Thank you! The Sawtooth Interpretive and Historical Association and Idaho Rivers United would like to thank the community for turning out to the 22nd annual Sawtooth Salmon Festival at the Stanley Museum on August 28th. We pay special recognition to Congressman Mike Simpson and Kurt Tardy, Shoshone-Bannock Tribes Sockeye Program Manager, for joining the event […]
Flat Rock Junction
Flatrock Junction Know before you go! ACCESS: The Redfish Trailhead is very popular and serves many trails. Do not park in no parking zones. Please do not park off the side of the road in the sagebrush or other vegetation, it destroys the delicate alpine habitat. STAY ON THE TRAIL Please don’t cut switchbacks! […]
Born Lakes
Born Lakes Know before you go! STAY ON THE TRAIL Please don’t cut switchbacks! It causes erosion, destroys vegetation, and ruins the trail. This trail has many switchbacks, please use them! PACK IT IN; PACK IT OUT Most of our trailheads do not have trash facilities. Please be prepared to pack out all of […]