Lin Gray

The Sawtooth NRA Through the Lens of Outdoor Idaho

The Sawtooth NRA through the Lens of Outdoor Idaho Join the Sawtooth Association and Idaho Public Television’s award winning program, Outdoor Idaho, for an evening of fun and reflection. August 22 marks the day the Sawtooth National Recreation Area (NRA) was established 50 years ago. We have invited Outdoor Idaho’s crew to the Redfish Visitor […]

Smokey’s Birthday!

Happy Birthday Smokey Bear! On Saturday, August 6th the Sawtooth Association is celebrating Smokey Bear’s 78th birthday at the Redfish Visitor Center & Gallery. Join us from 12pm-3pm for an assortment of games and activities including a scavenger hunt, water gun target practice, a photo shoot with Smokey himself, and birthday cake! You won’t want […]

2022 History Day!

Join us Saturday, June 9th, for a day celebrating Sawtooth history from Noon to 4pm. Activities include: crosscut saw and gold panning demonstrations; pioneer games; candle making and other crafting activities; a wall tent display and more! We’ll be serving ice cream, lemonade, and soft drinks, which you can enjoy by donation. We’ll also have […]

Stanley Community Clean-up

SIHA News and Events June 8 | 9am-12pmMeet at the Stanley Community Buildingto pick up supplies and directions! Since 2019, the Sawtooth Interpretive & Historical Association’s (SIHA) has held a spring community clean-up in Stanley. In partnership with the Sawtooth Society and local community members, SIHA is again organizing an event to collect roadside trash […]

Idaho Gives: May 2nd-5th!

SIHA News and Events Idaho Gives is May 2nd-5th! Make a difference by donating to the Sawtooth Associationduring Idaho Gives! This state-wide fundraiser celebrates the work of Idaho nonprofits. Your donation to SIHA will support:EDUCATION – RECREATING RESPONSIBLYHISTORIC PRESERVATION – INTERPRETATIONin the Sawtooth and Salmon River country! SIHA operates the Stanley Museum and Redfish Visitor […]

Thank you!

We keep saying THANK YOU because we mean it! We would like to thank our 2021 summer crew for their hard work and dedication. Thanks to Hannah Fake, Megan Nelson, Aspen Arnold, Jacob Hornfeldt, Mari Carroll, CeAnna Schwarts, Hailey Smalley, and Konner Kirkwood! They answered thousands of visitor questions, planned events, wrote blogs and social […]

Sawtooth Salmon Festival

Thank you! The Sawtooth Interpretive and Historical Association and Idaho Rivers United would like to thank the community for turning out to the 22nd annual Sawtooth Salmon Festival at the Stanley Museum on August 28th. We pay special recognition to Congressman Mike Simpson and Kurt Tardy, Shoshone-Bannock Tribes Sockeye Program Manager, for joining the event […]

2021 Sawtooth Forum & Lecture Series

Sawtooth Forum and Lecture Series Since 2008 the Sawtooth Association has sponsored the annual Sawtooth Forum and Lecture Series. These programs provide visitors and locals the opportunity to hear experts in local history, fish and wildlife, geology, environmental issues, and the arts share their work and latest research results related to this magical Sawtooth-Salmon River […]